Vacation Bible School

Monday, July 29th through Wednesday, July 31st

6:00pm - 8:00pm

Ages: Pre-K4 - 5th Grade

Join us in a 3 day series, called the Kingdom Seekers, join the lovable Sheriff Lock to lead us on a wild journey filled with mysteries and riddles. As the characters in our story search for clues, we will explore the truths and wisdom of God’s Word in the Bible. We’ll be discussing the values of God’s Kingdom, The Messiah, God’s Justice, and how all humans are made in the Image of God. Along our journey, we will be learning about the amazing ways that all of the books in the Bible come together to tell one united story that leads to Jesus.

Join us @Solutions Church

Click Here to Register

We also ask that you download and fill out our Child Registration Form. Please turn in filled out forms at the offering receptacle in the Solutions Church lobby, or on the first day of VBS.