Friday Family Kid's Night

You're invited to our FRIDAY FAMILY KID'S NIGHT! Our Friday Nights are an hour long experience for kids to enjoy with their parents. In these times of distancing, we still wanted to give your children the opportunity to experience our Solution City Kids Service, and the best way to do that is together with their parents! This service is designed for your kids to connect with God, Have Fun, and Grow In Their Faith. Join us in our Worship Center from 6:30PM - 7:30PM as help your children explore the value of being together.

If you haven't had the chance to join us on Sunday, our Worship Center is prepared with pre-set limited seating with proper physical distancing. Our building is prepped to have the safest possible experience. We are asking everyone to not just consider themselves, but also others.

ADULTS AND KIDS: Please bring and wear a mask when you come inside. We understand that our LITTLEST children may not like to wear masks, and that's OK! PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILDREN WEAR A MASK LIKE WHEN THEY ARE AT SCHOOL. We are asking everyone to not just consider themselves, but also others. IT WILL BE WORTH IT!

As always, if you are experiencing symptom of a cough, runny nose, or fever in the last 14 days or you have had in-person contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, please join us online. Also, If you are potentially vulnerable and at risk to COVID-19 or live with or care for someone that is, please do not feel like you must attend.